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DeJarnette as a  Superintendent

DeJarnette ran an institution that was highy praised. Doctors frequently visited both Western State Hospital and DeJarnette Sanitarium while DeJarnette was in charge. Along with doctors stopping by, patients' relatives often visited as well. When writing DeJarnette letters, people commented on the beautiful views, delicious food, a clean hospital and a great staff. 

The Characterof    DeJarnette

DeJarnette was described as many things: saint-like, humane, sympathetic, caring, dedicated, and having integrity. Patients adored him. Doctors respected him. Relatives loved him. He threw Christmas parties yearly for the patients, wrote poems for friends and relatives, traveled to doctors when they experienced troubling times, and reached out to people he knew. Through these letters of correspondence and the wide variety of people who wrote him,  a glimpse of his character will hopefully become evident.

DeJarnette as a    Doctor


DeJarnette led Virginia in the sterilization period. He advocated eugenics, and with the help of Dr. Albert Priddy from Lynchburg, Virginia's Colony, he helped get sterilization legalized in 1924. He was respected and looked to as a role model. He led the conversation concerning eugenics. Doctors frequently wrote him either seeking answers and guidance or complimenting his publications concerning the need for sterilization. These letters below provides just a sampling of the way doctors, ex-patients, relatives, and the community viewed him as a medical doctor.

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